›In most cases, we perform
hernia surgery
using minimally invasive
keyhole surgery.‹
Wednesday from 8:30 AM to 12 PM
Further appointments upon request.
→ We kindly ask you to schedule an appointment in advance!
T +43 1 261 66-333
Hernias are soft tissue ruptures in the area of the abdominal wall, groin, or navel, which become visible and palpable as a protrusion. They can sometimes also be painful. It is a very common condition, with occurrence increasing due to advancing tissue weakness with age. In general, such soft tissue ruptures do not necessarily have to be operated on, as they do not inherently have a ‘disease value.’ However, the surgical closure of the abdominal wall is often recommended due to the risk of entrapment of internal organs.
Dr. med. Behrooz Salehi – Specialist in General and Visceral Surgery – is the head of the hernia outpatient clinic at ATOMOS Klinik Währing and has many years of experience in the field of hernia surgery.
The ATOMOS Klinik Währing’s specialist outpatient clinic is the first point of contact for affected patients. The surgical treatment of the hernia, as well as the aftercare, is performed in our hernia outpatient clinic upon your request.
In most cases, a synthetic mesh is inserted into the abdominal wall during surgery and fixed with sutures to close the rupture. In a few cases, the soft tissue itself is directly sewn together.
To minimize discomfort and scarring post-surgery, the operation is usually carried out using minimally invasive keyhole surgery (laparoscopy). This involves making 3 to 4 small skin incisions, through which the surgeon accesses the abdominal wall defect with a camera and surgical instruments. The incisions are usually 0.5 to a maximum of 3 centimeters in length. The procedure is generally performed under general anesthesia, but local anesthesia is also possible, according to the patient’s wishes.
After the surgery, you will stay on our ward for 1 to 2 nights. During this time, we will offer various supportive measures beneficial for recovery. In some cases, day-clinic treatment (discharge on the same day as the surgery) is possible, if desired. Depending on the surgery schedule, we ask you to come to the clinic either the day before the surgery or on the morning of the same day.